a little background.....
We currently have 6, yes SIX, foster children ranging in ages infant to 15 years old. Because of accepting sibling groups, we actually have 4 babies three and under. .... yes, we are a bit nutso...
Anyway, my husband is taking our 15 year old male FK to a men's conference this weekend and when I realized that I would be home alone with the other 5, I contemplated getting respite care and taking the time at home to "get some stuff done, without help"..
Now, this doesn't just "happen". Even with the best FDS (Family Development Specialist), this is time consuming. Can you imagine someone WILLINGLY offering to watch these babies for a weekend...with little preparation or notice??
Since it DID happen I decided to make a real "respite" of it and get away to a local resort if I could.
It happened and today was the day! Everything was packed last night down to three little suitcases to go to three different foster mommas (angels). I planned on packing extremely light for myself, taking only a change of clothes, a swimsuit (wrong one---different blog post), camera and ipad.
Taking a last minute check I walked into the girls room and this is what I saw...
This room had been cleaned spotless only 5 minutes ago!
Oh well....
I dropped TenderHeart off at the middle school and headed for my first kiddo drop-off.
I didn't mention it, but ALL three of my respite angels lived within 20 minutes of each other and within 30 minutes of my resort destination. I love the way that sounds...My resort destination...ahh.... within an hour or so I would be walking up and down the beach and unwinding my wound-tight body.
My plans for this weekend are to unwind and soak up the sun, to embrace the quiet and to catch up on writing.
After dropping off all of the "littles", I drive a bit and then decide to check my iPad for exact directions. My iPad.....where in the world was my iPad. I had my camera bag jam-packed with camera, swimsuit and a change of clothes. I had my "Yellow Jackets"* and foster notes.....where was that dang iPad....?????
Hung up by the door so I wouldn't forget it........
39 miles away.....
A quick call to my honey the best husband in the world....to see if it was indeed right by the door, and my fears were confirmed All of my plans were now ruined.....or so I thought.
Mr. Save The Day, asked me to meet him half way and that way we could have lunch and a proper goodbye. Afterall it is ALWAYS a quick goodbye when corraling 6 kids. Plus he would bring my iPad. Have I told you that he is the BEST!!
After a good lunch I headed back down I-75 to a thickening cloud cover. But, I arrived!
It's pouring down rain now but I got an hour or so of sun. Enough to gradually expose my ghost white body to some summer color. I am getting some writing done. I have filed some papers into yellow jackets and I'm sitting on my lovely balcony overlooking the beautiful water, enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Yep, that's what I'm talking about.......
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