Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome home Baby Boy

I got an unexpected call yesterday from placement.  Our baby boy was ready to be released and they wanted to know if we could be prepared to pick him up today.  Last night I scurried around to prepare to bring Baby Boy home.  I had been told that it would probably be 2-6 weeks before he would be ready so we were totally unprepared. I pulled up CraigsList on the computer and did a search for baby cribs. Every one I called was "sold". Finally someone called me back that had an available crib. Baazing!...yes I love BBT

Of course it was 9:00 at night and she wouldn't be home the next morning.  She said that she was driving home from Sarasota and wouldn't be home till around 10:00.  Desperate I told her if she was willing, I would come and see it then.  So, at 10:15 last night I loaded up a crib in the back of my van. The lady was so nice. She had been a foster parent and when I told her that was why I wanted the crib, she gave me sheets and some preemie clothing that she had.

We were ready.....
I arrived at the hospital and waited while a car seat test was administered. This was done because Baby boy was still considered a preemie and weighed only a little over 5 pounds. The test was to determine if he could handle a ride in the car seat for the ride home.  He passed with flying colors and I got him dress to bring him home.

The nurse came in to give me discharge instructions.  All the typical stuff....after all, it had only been 32 years since I had taken a baby home from the hospital. Things couldn't have changed that much.  ;0)

As she was reading the instructions, she got to the part regarding "post-partum activities".... "Now you must wait 6 weeks for for sex" she says.....Seriously????   I asked...."You realize that I did not birth this baby"..... (remember I am in my 50's) that I THINK about it, maybe she meant I would not have TIME for sex now....

Without a pause she goes on to the next line of her form..... and I mentally shake my head...

She then calls for a wheelchair.  Again....Seriously????  I tell her that I can walk but if she needs to we can wheel the baby down to the car.  Nope!  Procedure.....  and so I get wheeled down through the hospital lobby carrying a newborn baby and people stare.  Oh boy, do they stare...
I'm sure I'm the sight... I imagine whispers of "Did you see how old that lady was...what in the world was she thinking....the nerve of some people.  Ok, maybe I need to be not so paranoid...haha!!

Well, another chapter of this fostering life has started, can't wait to see where it takes us.

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